Well let me start this blog with a question…….
What sets a movie apart from the real life???? For one..there is no back ground music playing behind us depicting the situation we are in….There is no happy music, there is no danger music, no music for love, no music for tragedy and no music for success.
Fortunately, man created ways to carry the music of his choice to make up for this difference.
Come to think of it, whats in a song that draws us towards it? What is it about music that makes us forget who we are? What is it with listening to music which makes us relate to the situation the song is pictured in? Nonetheless, one cannot think of a world without music. Open your heart and widen your arms to welcome music and you will see what a change it can bring into your life. What makes a song so special to us or what makes us keep a particular song close to our heart is directly related to how much we relate ourselves to the song.
After years and years of growing close to a choice of songs, I started realizing how a song makes us follow it. We follow the joy of a happy song, shed a tear for the sad ones. We try to follow each and every word in each and every song to see what it means. What more, a song effects our mood and in my case, the song I listen to in the morning dictates the mood I carry through the day.
But recently, I stumbled upon a creation by a band I had never heard of. And they rang the correct notes inside me and opened a door to a place I had not been before.
They had taken the cover version of my favourite song and made it into an instrumental track. Though both the songs had the same music playing behind, it seemed so different this time.
I noticed that I was no longer bound to the words and feelings the original song carried. I felt that there was no more a need think in the same way the song was written for.
The feeling so liberating and this new found freedom made me put my own feelings into the instrumental track and sing the same song in a way I want. One has to experience it to understand what here I am on about.
Digging deeper into the creations of the band did I realize that I had inadvertently stumbled upon a path where I felt that I could let loose some hidden feelings. These words were twined together by a situation at the time I was writing this.
So here I am and here is my first video which I made it using some of the band’s track as the background music to recite this poem.
Note that The words of this poem are added in the description of the song for better readability.
This poem is split into three parts (which goes with my personality) and I have tried to see the world from each of the character’s perspective. How much of it is true is limited to my feelings and thoughts.
But one thing is for sure that if you look deeper there are lots of lessons one can learn from this small incident which I have put to few simple sentences. What are those lessons? Well I will leave it to you to find out.