Friday, October 1, 2010

Way We Live

Hello Readers,

Firstly, this is not written to offend anyone's belief or feelings. Its intended to express my feelings about certain things happening around me.

I would be grateful to you if you read the same in that perspective.

Thank you.

Way We Live

It’s a hypocritical world we live in,
They are wolves in sheep's clothing.
While it’s on our shoulders are their guns firing,
Crushing our dreams are theirs springing.

While the systems we live in, breed thieves.
Don’t blame them, as cactus seldom blooms olives.
As we look up to His authority with confidence,
What’s eating the crop is the fence.

We can choose to be one like them,
And feed them their own medicine.
There is nothing better waiting for us,
An eye for an eye and tooth for a tooth.

We no longer look like one of god's creations,
All we have ever brought to Him is destruction.
You harm a tree, it doesn’t harm you,
If you hit me, I will kill you.

No matter in which filth it grows,
No matter what sins you feed,
It’s always the green leaves that grow,
Gives us life whatever may be our deed.

God left this place long ago,
Maybe we killed him and we haven’t even known.
We still slit, His child, an animal's throat,
Spice it up and savor our throat.

We are the children of the devil, and
In our negative actions the devil stays.
All that remains of our God are locked in our hearts,
Hardly in the statues and frames we blankly gaze.

To free us from our sin don’t look up,
There is no one there.
In our noble deeds, our God resides,
Not in the string of words we pray.

Convincing voices have been silenced,
Pleading requests have been denied.
Come let’s see how much of change and noise,
Few black works on a silent white paper can make.

A no nonsense love song

Have heard ten thousands love songs,
Before writing this one.
Have written a hundred sad songs,
To save this last happy one.

You can’t be a beautiful dream,
Dreams break.
You can’t be a tender flower,
Flowers dry.

I can’t promise to be forever,
Even I have to die.
But yes I can try to be with you,
As long as I am alive.

To express my love, I can’t
Make tall claims, invent new words.
I have loved you for so long, now
How do I put those times in words?

Love makes us shed tears,
When happy or when sad.
I would have known you liked this song,
If your eyes cried, but heart still smiled.

Caged, Arent We!!!!?

Sometimes it’s hard to see which side of the cage we are in. And it’s harder to understand if we are actually on the better side of the cage. But we are all caged nonetheless. Cages come in different sizes and shapes. Some we build around ourselves and some built by the society which we volunteer to get into. And all we ever do is perpetually shift from one cage to the other as the days go by.

Don’t believe me? Go on continue reading.

We are all ambitious. Aren’t we? We need our houses big and relationship ties little. Based on how much our hard work comes to us in terms of money, we buy ourselves a house which we put all our heart and soul into beautifying it and making it cozy nonetheless. Area in the house goes on to represent how big we dreamt and how much we have achieved. Those neatly laid out dinner table with four crafted chairs seldom makes us realize it’s empty. Those beautifully placed couch never makes us wonder where we get the people to sit on them.
Isn’t it odd that we open up our homes and close the doors? In my foster years, my mother spent hours trying to find me as to which open door did I run into. Today she still keeps the door of our house open with the fragrance of an incense stick trying to invite people home, while the neighbor’s kid barely gets to smell it, as they are caged behind the closed doors of the dreams which their parents have achieved whether the parents are themselves home or otherwise.

Our roads are becoming wider and longer while our parking lots becoming smaller. Why would it not. Owning a set of wheels, for most of us, is a lifetime wish. Our friendly neighborhood car salesman gives us more reason than not, to stretch our budget and go for the one car which we know we are going to find it hard to buy. But we still give into the temptation and buy a car with our stretched budget and sit inside to see that we can hardly stretch our legs let alone our arms wide open. I did the same and so here I go again travelling in this little cage which I have myself bought. Oh how I miss the relaxing stretch to soothe the aching back after a long ride on my bike. It had seldom made me realize the light years of headroom, latitudes together of shoulder room and longitudes of knee room I had actually bought with two lesser wheels. And here I am finding it hard to understand if the 2 extra wheels really reserved more space for me on the road or shrunk me into a smaller cage than I initially was in, which was the whole wide world?

On the serious note, these are not the only things we cage ourselves or others in. Our religions, our gods, our believes, our relationships, jealousy, possessiveness and negativity are some more of them. When the relationship turns sour between two loving couples, they break up in an ambition that being separate is somehow going to be better than being in it. Wonder why is it called breaking up and not setting free? And wonder why then they spend rest of their lives caging themselves in thoughts and memories of all the things that went bad with their relationship.
What’s worse is that, some of those cages are given to us at birth, some while we were growing and others which we build during our life time. We hurt the ones amongst us and look up to beg forgiveness from He, who more often than not, silently watch us commit the sins we do commit.
With the captivity of our believes, we hold hostage our minds, feelings and humanity. So much so that we don’t share our plates, our food with the ones who don’t share our beliefs and the franchise we, seldom, chose to be in.

It’s so beautiful to see that the same grey matter produces so many colors in our lives. Wonder why we then don’t let our mind free. As someone had rightly said, we humans are engineered for success but programmed for failure.

Days have gone by

Pained, he sang……

Days went by,
Size of the palm grew,
Distance between the arms widened,
But whom you can carry between them,
Remains one.

When the lights at the junction of life turned green,
Everyone left, including you.
Even my life moved on, I was stuck behind.
Unable to catch up, I started walking back,
To carry those tons of memories you left behind,
But I couldn’t.

Days went by,
Size of the palms grew,
Though there were many whom we could see,
Whom we wanted to see always,
Remained one.

It’s been long since the river flowed this way,
Dried grass and burnt sand wake up to say.
The river overflows from the dam built around my eyes,
Behind which, trying to stay afloat,
To great depths,
Has sunk my heart.

Days have gone by,
Size of the palms has grown,
Though there were two different hands I could hold,
Whom I have carried in my heart,
Has always remained one.

From distance far away came her voice….

Days went by,
Size of the palm grew,
Distance between the arms widened,
But whom you can carry between them,
Remains one.

Anxious, he questioned….

Insanity to me was new,
Newer still was your insane love.
My love was never insane enough for you.
Now, while I am madly in love,
What you see today is my madness alone?

Repenting, she stammered…

Days went by,
Size of the palms grew,
Though I stand here today with my head hung down,
Whom you have decided to turn a blind eye to,
Remains one.

Gulping his heart which had come up his throat, he broke down…

In return of
My shadow you hid behind,
Away from the scorching sun,
You have given me these dark glasses.
Just so I hide the tears you gave, while
You see my creased lips smile.

Days have gone by,
Size of the palms has grown.
To the ears deafened to my voice,
There are few heartfelt words am wanting to say,
You will always remain,
The one.