Wednesday, September 28, 2011

A piece of god still exists

Last time I wondered if
god had left this place ago, or
had we killed him
And we never knew.

Until I realized he had not left this place
But was taking birth every time
A little one of his creation
was born.

Where he is born is a place of love,
Contained in the creatures he deemed fortunate.
A woman and her womb he cleverly chose,
In the nature's best gift, a mother.

Harshest of the hands hold them tenderly,
Cruelest of all learn to live delicately.
It's touch melts us all,
Their innocence wakens us all.

It brings to earth a piece of His sacred land,
Awakens the love in us with the pat of its little hands.
Seeing the Smile on it's face after the sadness it resists,
I realize that A piece of god still exists.